Source Themes

Non-Standard Choice and Matching

We plan to employ a series of experiments to study the performance of sequential mechanisms in matching markets with non-standard choice behavior and compare this to standard mechanisms. *Funding for experiment requested with DFG in Aug. 2023*

Reproducibility in Management Science

The Role of Stereotypes in the Gender Competition Gap

We find a very low correlation between performance in a task and participants' related competitive choice. Eliciting beliefs over performance, we document substantial gender differences in beliefs over performance and show a strong correlation between beliefs on gender congruence of tasks. *Online experiment to be run in March 2024.*

Why don't you deduct to donate more? Behavioral factors undermining tax incentives for deduction

We document low rates of tax deduction for in-person donations in the field and use a field and an online experiment to study the underlying mechanisms. *Draft coming soon.*